
"Once it's all done, you're going to crash," said my dad. We were talking about me running full throttle for the past several weeks, and unable to sleep. I just crashed today.

The stars aligned a certain way for me in September, when several major projects came to fruition. One of them was years in the making. I was excited, yet completely freaking out. And I worked non-stop around the clock for several weeks, I have not done that in a really long time. Being a mom and working from home, I try really hard to separate my mom time and my work time. But these past weeks, my two worlds collided, my work taking over. Even though the projects started at different times, they all ended at the same time, just a couple of days apart. And so here I am, sitting at my desk, looking at a pile of next projects, yet unable to pull them over to start working on them. Dad was right, I did crash. I feel spent, drained of all creativity. Empty.