Chapter 24
It was past midnight when father
and daughter finally went to bed. Frank stayed up a little longer watching Cheers reruns on TV, and Catalina took a hot bath for
another half an hour or so. As she finally slipped between the cool Egyptian
cotton sheets, she checked her Beretta under her pillow and stashed her phone
next to it. She fell asleep immediately, her hand still resting on her gun.
‘Sleeping with one eye open’ Frank called it. She called it ‘staying alive’.
The house finally went dark closer to two a.m.
The ice-cold tentacles of danger
started deep in her stomach and slowly proceeded to slither up toward her
spine. They only managed to get to her lower spine, when Catalina’s eyes flew
open. Something was off. She stayed down in bed, fully alert, not moving,
listening… Nothing. Quiet. But the danger kept creeping up her spine, its
tentacles spreading into her organs, chilling them as they moved upward. Her
phone, stashed under her pillow, vibrated. The vibration had a certain rhythm,
one of several assigned to the house alarm system. This particular one
indicated a breach. Someone was here.
She slowly moved toward the stairs,
Frank moving the opposite direction, toward the other staircase that led into
the kitchen. Catalina peeked down through the banister. It would’ve been
helpful to check the house CCTV feed on her phone, but the screen would light
up the whole hallway and give her away. She had to do this one by touch. The
faint light was moving around in the den. ‘Figures,’ she thought. She studied
the light motion for a bit, figuring out her approach. Then, she swung her long
legs over the banister and slid down on it. Silently, gun pointed into the den.
She landed on the bottom without sound and quickly moved just outside the door.
The intruder was a male. He held a
tiny flashlight in his mouth, and he was rummaging through the desk. He seemed
to be ignoring all the papers but paying close attention to big fat pens and
flash drives. He didn’t pocket anything yet; he was looking for something
specific. Instantly, Catalina knew what he was looking for. Her eyes narrowed
and her hand gripped her gun even tighter than before. But her mind reminded
her of Frank flashing a thumb up, meaning ‘alive’. She shrugged her shoulders
and moved in for capture.
He didn’t even feel her behind him. Bam! Something smashed into his scalp and he went down
in a heap.
The Family Girl is available as e-pub and paperback:
Excerpt ©copyright 2014 Katherine Brankin. Reprinted with permission. All worldwide rights reserved.